A space for like-minded Cannabis enthusiasts to connect and explore new products and topics.


But where can the non-cannabis
consumer find the information and
community they need to enter the

That’s why we created the cannabis club network – to serve as an entry or re-entry point for non-cannabis users to get information and find a community of like minded individuals. Think of it as your neighborhood mom’s group or listserv – but for cannabis enthusiasts!


Stay in the know with all of the Nana & Pop brands and products.

  • Be the first to know about new products coming to your area.
  • Learn more about cannabis with our Cannabis Club University content.
  • Access to unique promotions and giveaways.

Stay in the know with all of the Nana & Pop brands and products.

  • Be the first to know about new products coming to your area.
  • Learn more about cannabis with our Cannabis Club University content.
  • Access to unique promotions and giveaways.